4 Windows to Brighten Up Your Living Room

windows to brighten a living room

Your windows are an essential part of your home’s overall appearance and performance. Each one should be energy-efficient for you to be able to enjoy a more comfortable home without having to worry about increased utility bills.

The units in your living room are particularly important. Pick your replacement windows carefully to brighten up this special part of the home. Here are some of the window styles you can use to let in more light and views in this area:

Bay Windows

This window style is actually made up of three or four smaller units installed side-by-side. Together, these smaller units make up a wide glass area that allows more sunlight to trickle into the room. Bay windows protrude from the exterior walls, which gives homeowners added floor space—perfect to set up a sitting area or reading nook in the living room.

Bow Windows

This window style is very much like a bay window, only it has softer curves and angles. Because of the similarities in these two window styles, you can expect bow windows to have the same qualities of a bay window, offering a wide view of the surroundings, and a lot of sunlight entering your home.

Casement Windows

Freshen up your living room with these simple and practical units. Casements feature easy-to-use hand crank mechanisms for better controlling ventilation indoors. Many units of this style also feature narrow frames and tall, wide glass areas—perfect for letting in views and lighting.

Glider Windows

This sleek and modern-looking window style is made for more than just easy and convenient operation. It comes with a large window panel for an expansive view of the outdoors and plenty of sunshine to enter your home. Its design is best suited for contemporary living rooms where lighting is an essential element.


If you’re thinking of investing in replacement windows in the Chicagoland area, you should always go with the best in the industry, NEXT Door & Window. We have a wide array of window styles that can brighten up your living room in no time. Call us to learn more and get a free quote on any of our services.

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