Replacement Windows for Every Home – Part 2: Double Hung Windows

Double hung windows have been around for centuries but remain to be the most commonly used in U.S. homes. Consisting of two sashes that slide up and down, double hung windows are more versatile than older single hung windows that only have one operable sash.

Range of Options

Because of the popularity of double hung windows, they are available in a wide variety of materials, colors, and finishes. Whether you’re looking for a window made of wood, vinyl, composite, or fiberglass, it’s pretty much certain to be available as a double hung window. This, alongside the window’s timeless design, allows it to complement just about any home.

Ease of Operation

Nothing could be easier than opening or closing a double hung window. Just slide the sashes up or down and you’re done. This ease of operation applies to cleaning and maintenance as well, especially in newer models that allow the sashes to tilt in so the exterior side can be cleaned from inside the home.

Good Ventilation

With double hung windows you have the option to open either sashes, offering great control to address varying ventilation needs. Improving air circulation in the home not only makes it possible for air to come in and cool a room but it can also help direct warmer air out to facilitate cooling. Aside from improving indoor comfort, this can also help you lower energy costs by reducing strain on your HVAC system.


For households with pets and small children, safety is a critical issue. A double hung window can help ensure safety as the lower sash can be kept closed as needed, reducing the likelihood of anyone falling out.

The benefits to choosing double hung windows for your home are clear, but don’t go rushing off just yet to get the window because we still have garden and glider windows to talk about in the next part.

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